游戏之旅 我的编程感悟_我的外展之旅的特别时刻
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游戏之旅 我的编程感悟

by Toni Shortsleeve

通过托尼·肖特里夫(Toni Shortsleeve)

我的外展之旅的特别时刻 (Special Moments on my Outreachy Journey)

It has been an amazing few weeks. For those of you who have been following my journey, thank you for seeing me over half-way through the internship.

真是令人惊讶的几周。 对于那些一直跟随我的旅程的人,感谢您在实习的一半时间里见到我。

This is a remote position, and it’s been an excellent experience working with people from all over the world. Patience is a virtue when waiting for an answer, but it also is very exciting when we’re all online and working together at the same time.

这是一个遥不可及的位置,与来自世界各地的人们一起工作是一次很棒的体验。 耐心是等待答案的一种美德,但是当我们都在线并且一起工作时,耐心也是令人兴奋的。

For those who haven’t read the whole story, or missed a couple of articles, I’ll be happy to give you a quick catch up…


我怎么到这里 (How I got here)

In my article, I shared how I beat the odds and was chosen to be one of two interns at . I am providing some of the documentation on the LibreHealth Electronic Health Records system in English.

在我的篇文章中,我分享了如何困难,并被选为的两名实习生 。 我正在用英语提供有关LibreHealth电子病历系统的一些文档。

is my intern-mate. She is translating all of the documentation into French. I like working with her. She has a great sense of humor and is always there to help when I’m feeling a little lost.

是我的实习生。 她正在将所有文档翻译成法语。 我喜欢和她一起工作。 她很有幽默感,当我感到有些迷茫时,她总是会为您提供帮助。

The article discussed my preparation before I began the actual internship. Using the LibreHealth EHR demo site, I created documentation that guided a reader using an example of a patient that needed an x-ray referral.

文章讨论了我开始实际实习之前的准备工作。 通过使用LibreHealth EHR演示站点,我创建了文档,以需要X射线转诊的患者为例指导读者。

In the article, I talked about a few of the technical challenges I experienced when I tried to set up the Radiology module within Docker on my age old machine. ?

在文章中,我谈到了尝试在老旧机器上的Docker中设置放射学模块时遇到的一些技术挑战。 ?

My article shared some of my work and goals. Since then, I have had documents reviewed with a lot of interesting feedback.

我的一篇文章分享了我的一些工作和目标。 从那时起,我审阅了许多有趣的反馈文件。

And today has been all about using that feedback to move forward, learning more lessons, and shaping my future goals.


文献资料 (Documentation)

I love the practice that I created, although Dr. Apgar was already there.


This practice first showed up in the LibreHealth that I documented. Now our staff is great, and they are showing us how a real practice is supposed to run.

这种做法首先出现在我记录的《 LibreHealth 中。 现在我们的员工很棒,他们在向我们展示如何进行真正的练习。

While I am creating two different documents, there is a relationship between orders and encounters (or visits). For instance, orders can be one component of an encounter.

当我创建两个不同的文档时,顺序和遇到(或访问)之间存在关系。 例如,订单可以是相遇的一个组成部分。

So occasionally the information overlaps. But I have to be careful that each document receives exactly the information needed.

因此,有时信息重叠。 但是我必须小心,每个文档都准确接收所需的信息。

I have been approved for the document about the Provider Order, which follows the patient and staff to create and transcribe an order for x-rays. I created a patient and with twin daughters for the purposes of my work.

我已获得有关医疗服务提供者订单的文件的批准,该文件跟随患者和工作人员创建和抄录X光检查订单。 为了工作,我创造了一个病人,并育有双胞胎女儿。

I have recently submitted my 3rd revision of the Encounters document. This is a little different because it involves medication. There is a new code to learn for the cost and amount of medicine to be prescribed - on top of the visit code and billing codes. I am still learning about these, so it may take a little more time to get it in place.

我最近提交了我的Encounters文档的第三次修订版。 这有点不同,因为它涉及药物治疗。 在访问代码和计费代码的基础上,还有一个新的代码可用于学习要处方的药物的费用和数量。 我仍在学习这些内容,因此可能需要更多时间才能将其安装到位。

I did my research to find what the medical codes were and how to create the orders. My EHR mentor was great at answering my questions and offering positive suggestions. Any errors are strictly my own. ?

我进行了研究,以查找什么是医疗法规以及如何创建订单。 我的EHR导师非常擅长回答我的问题并提供积极的建议。 任何错误都是我自己的。 ?

费用表 (Fee Sheets)

I am still addressing the Fee Sheets. The codes must be placed in the correct order, justified with the proper codes, and priced correctly.

我仍在处理费用表。 必须按照正确的顺序放置代码,并以正确的代码进行辩解并正确定价。

The ICD10 code is what the provider decides is the diagnosis for the problem being treated in that encounter. Several things go on a fee sheet - the ICD10 code(s) for the problem(s) treated in the encounter, the CPT4 and HCPCS codes for whatever services were rendered in the encounter, and any other miscellaneous fees.

提供者决定将ICD10代码确定为对该次遇到的问题的诊断。 费用表上有几件事-遇到问题时要解决的问题的ICD10代码,遇到问题时提供的任何服务的CPT4和HCPCS代码以及任何其他杂项费用。

糟糕! (Oops!)

My EHR mentor has been so patient with me and my many missteps. Now that the Provider Orders document was approved, I had to place it in wiki format and onto the Libre wiki site. That was much easier said than done.

我的EHR导师对我以及我的许多失误非常耐心。 现在,“供应商订单”文档已获得批准,我不得不将其以Wiki格式放置到Libre Wiki网站上。 说起来容易做起来难。

I wrote over a section that should not have been written over.


Fortunately, my mentor caught it before I did too much damage. Intern-mate Adele came to my rescue on how it should have been done. Now I’m revising the wiki document again.

幸运的是,我的导师在我造成太大伤害之前就抓住了它。 实习生阿黛尔(Adele)救了我该怎么做的方法。 现在,我再次修订Wiki文档。

At least I had uploaded most of the images first, so it won’t take as long as it did last time.


外展 (Outreachy)

I’ve been listed as one of the at freeCodeCamp. It’s exciting to receive the award - but I’ve really just been focused on trying to stay sane, get answers, and help others who may stumble over the same obstacles that I have.

我被列为freeCodeCamp的之一。 获得该奖项是令人兴奋的-但我实际上只是专注于保持理智,获得答案并帮助其他可能绊倒我同样障碍的人。

I contacted my Outreachy organizer hero, . She has approved my travel stipend and so I can pay for airfare and one night in New York. I’m looking forward to meeting my freeCodeCamp hero in person instead of just Skype, as well as members of our editor team. I am also looking forward to meeting my other personal FreeCodeCamp heroes who will be attending.

我联系了外联组织者英雄 。 她已经批准了我的旅行津贴,因此我可以支付机票和在纽约住一晚的费用。 我期待与我的freeCodeCamp英雄亲自见面,而不仅仅是与Skype以及我们的编辑团队成员见面。 我也期待与其他将参加的FreeCodeCamp个人英雄会面。

I am also looking forward to meeting my Tech mentor at LibreHealth. It will be my last chance to get answers to any additional questions I may have.

我也期待与LibreHealth的技术指导会面。 这将是我获得任何其他问题的答案的最后机会。

I’ve promised Outreachy that I will provide a special article with photos after the trip.


It’s only a month away, which is a reminder that my internship only has 6 more weeks now.


更多…… (More to come …)

There was so much that I wanted to accomplish by now. But I still have 6 weeks to meet my goals.

到目前为止,我想完成的事情很多。 但是我还有6周的时间可以实现自己的目标。

I’ll go back and finish the LibreHealth EHR part of the documentation so I can continue the Provider Orders by showing what happens on the LibreHealth Radiology side.

我将返回并完成文档的LibreHealth EHR部分,因此我可以通过显示LibreHealth Radiology方面发生的事情来继续提供者订单。

Thank you for joining me on my journey.



游戏之旅 我的编程感悟


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